Ladew Topiary Gardens

Rebranding for Ladew Topiary Gardens includes the logo, business card, letterhead, envelope, and a mockup of two pages of the website, both desktop and mobile. The logo uses a script, Cookie, and a sans serif, Avenir Next Condensed for contrast. The brand fonts for print and website are Adobe Caslon Pro and Optima. The brand colors are purple and green. Not only are they colors in nature, they represent elegance since most of their funding comes from events such as weddings. They are printed on Neenah Environmental paper, natural white. In addition to the stationary, there is also a website redesign. The redesign is the home and about page, both desktop and mobile view. This main changes for the updated website are to use as many photos as possible to show the audience the view and persuade them to visit as well as using less navigation compared to the original to make the website easier to use . The photography used on the website are my personal photos and a few are from the current website for Ladew Topiary Gardens.

Ladew Gardens Adobe XD Website Mockup


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